Why are Purebred French Bulldogs so Expensive? The high price is due to all the expenses needed for breeding a French Bulldog. To breed, they require artificial insemination and c-sections to give birth which costs breeders anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000.

French Bulldogs are wonderful companion dogs. They are quite affectionate, clownish and their small snouts, bat ears and big round eyes will make you fall in love with them on first sight. They don’t need much exercise and prefer to spend as much time with their owners as possible.

Similar to their personality, French Bulldogs’ temperament largely depends on their early youth, how they were bred, and that of their parents. Let’s start by pointing out the good. First, Frenchies are relatively docile, meaning they’re easy dogs to train.

They especially have trouble breathing. You need to protect them from heatstroke and if your summers get hot, your home needs to be air-conditioned. Along with respiratory disorders. Frenchies also suffer from spinal disorders, eye diseases, heart disease, and joint diseases.

Usually peaceful with other pets (though some French Bulldogs will hunt small rodents), males may bicker with other males.

Because they don’t tend to be excessive barkers, French Bulldogs make exceptional apartment dogs. Although it is important to always supervise young children and dogs when they are together, the French Bulldog does very well with children. French Bulldogs make wonderful watchdogs, but they can become territorial.

If you don’t want to deal with…

  • Snorting, snuffling, wheezing, snoring, some slobbering
  • Gassiness (flatulence)
  • Stubbornness
  • Slowness to housebreak

A French Bulldog may not be right for you.

Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training.